
Frita Batidos - Amazing New Restaurant

Today I had lunch at Frita Batidos and it was amazing!  Run by Chef Eve Aronoff, who is also the chef of 'Eve' and was a Top Chef contestant, Frita Batidos is a Cuban/Latino inspired casual dining experience.  The restaurant features ingredients from local farmers and purveyors, great service, a clean modern appearance, and cuban and latin inspired food and drinks.

I entered the restaurant to find nearly everything white.   Seating, counter, menu; everything is clean white.  The counter folks were very friendly and informative.  I chose to have a chorizo frita with egg and cheese and a pink ting to drink.  (Love that Ting!)   After ordering, I took a seat at a table.  Tables are picnic tables for family style seating with some counter style seating at the windows and back wall.

When my food was brought out, it was served on a metal tray with the frita sitting on a plantain leaf and then wrapped in paper.  The frita tasted amazing.  It was served on brioche and topped with fries, munster cheese, sweet chili mayo, and sunny side up egg.   I put the top bun on firmly and popped the yolk causing it to combine with the gooey cheese and pork to form a ridicuouly tastey creation.

It tasted soo good.  It really is a little piece of awesome that stands by itself because the flavor and presentation of everything is such a contrast to the day to day foods we find ourselves eating.

I chose not to order sides since this was lunch and at first I thought the frita looked small on it's plate.  After I finished it I was glad that I chose not to have sides with lunch.  That being said, the menu has so many amazing sounding items that I will be forced to come back soon for dinner, breakfast, and even snacks if I'm downtown.

Check out the menu and philosophy on their website:  Frita Batidos

Bottom Line:  You should go there.

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