
Dark Horse Double Crooked Tree IPA - 12.00% ABV

YoYo-Rating: A-

This is a nice and rich beer.  It's tasty and well balanced, nothing really over powers anything.  At 13.6% you can imagine that it's gonna grab you, and it does.  But only in a good way, the way you want to be grabbed after having a couple of your favorites down at the pub.

It pours into a glass a nice dark amber with a dense dark tan head.  It has flavors of citruse and a dark malty way along with it.  The crispness of the hops is still there, all mixing to provide your taste buds a contrast of flavors and tones.  Very heady.

Very Enjoyable and would buy again.


The Jerk Pit

Went to the Jerk Pit for lunch with coworkers... 

It was exceptional (under new management).  I had chicken leg quarters with veggies and red beans and rice.  All made from scratch and authentic (and had a Ting to drink). - Chef is from Negril and knew Carl (who own's the ital restaraunt next to "De Bus") - He over heard us talking about our trips to the island and came and talked to us.  Very Irie!  http://www.irierestaurant.com/


Diabolical IPA - North Peak Brewing Company - 6.66% ABV

Beer Advocate Rating: B-

YoYo-Rating: B+

I poured the beer in a pint glass and it had a nice two finger head.  It's a nice amber color with a hoppy aroma.  The beer itself is more on the hop side, and not the most balanced, but that's okay in my book.  I enjoy a bitter, citrusy beer and Diabolical delivers.  It has a hard edge, and almost a slight metallic hint from the hops, but not necessarily in a bad way.  If you like a nice balanced IPA, then this is not your beer.  If you like it sharp, then your glass is full of win.  After taste is pleasant, leaving a hoppy bouquet for your taste buds.

Enjoyable and would buy again.
North Peak Brewing Company