
Android Apps that I recommend

Here is a list of Android Apps that I currently find useful.  Note that I see these as falling outside of your essential productivity suite, such as GMail, Messaging, Maps, and the such.

  • Barcode Scanner - QR Code Integration is amazing
  • Alarm Clock - Gotta wake up
  • Battery Hours - Changes the lock screen to show amount of time remaining (talk/standby/charge)
  • Compare Everywhere - Cool, scan bar code and see where to get it locally and online
  • Bubble - Because you need to be on the level
  • Voice Recorder - Record notes, meetings, or EVP
  • Darin-O-Meter - See why your battery only lasts a couple hours
  • Elements - You need to know your table of elements to do science
  • Google Sky - Space is cool
  • Key Ring - Get rid of all those tags and cards that get you your discounts and put them on the phone
  • Last.fm - Catalog what you listen to (http://bit.ly/YoYo-Music) and listen to recommended radio
  • Shazam - Now you can figure out what that song is they keep playing
  • Terminal Emulator - Because SSH makes things happen
  • Tricorder - Neat toy that uses the phone sensors in LCARS fasion
  • Task Manager - Kill battery draining tasks and uninstall apps
  • Locale - It's nice when your phone knows where you are and changes it's behavior based on it.

  • Brightness Toggle Widget - At a touch, change the display brightness and save bettery
  • MoonPhase - Find out when the next bout of lycanthropy will hit
  • Task Manager - One click closes all apps to save battery
  • Tiny Clock Widget 2 - small 1 square analog clock

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