
The Importance of Social Media

I was recently asked to on my opinion about social media's importance and value as it relates to forum (web community) experience and use. This is my response.

Social media is the new age of the internet.  I fully believe that if you do not have a social media presence today, then you are at the same position of not having a web page in the 90's.  

Twitter, while abused by idiots tweeting about what they ate for lunch, has really turned into the new news aggregation service.  RSS and news readers are a thing of the past.    News sources (businesses, people, forums, etc.) push out content to subscribers who follow them.  The ideal content to push would be whatever is relevant to your world, out  to people who have interest in it.   Typically it's a headline with a shortened URL.  This shows up in your subscribers timelines and they read through it though the day or in real time, and follow links of their interests.  More so, people who are not subscribers will use this as one of the primary methods to investigate you as a source of relevant content to their interests.  With one click, they can see what kind of content you are pushing out.  Is it relevant forum posts to drive users there?  Maybe sale items, maybe a sale item of the day.  Maybe it's commentary about the topic the source is an expert it.   Either way, it's a blurb of data, typically with a short URL link, that is pushed to subscribers.  My tweet for this post would be "My opinion about social media's importance and value as it relates to business and web communities: http://t.co/7FuFjcxb"

Facebook has done something amazing.  Something I didn’t think was possible.  Ignore all the games and waste of time bullshit on it.   When you work for a large corporation, there is usually digital infrastructure, like maybe an Exchange environment, where everyone's contact information is aggregated and pushed out so that everyone is up to date.  Calendars are shared.  Events created and people invited.  They respond if they are coming or not and calendaring reflects it automatically.  Groups are created to help organize users and communication of subsets of data.  Large organizations would struggle without this.  As a user, I would struggle without these things.   What Facebook has done, is create this for people's personal lives.

Shut up about privacy stuff, I'll get to that in my use case.  That's more for personal concerns than business anyway… I’ll touch on that in my personal use case below.

Facebook creates an environment to help people share their contact info, their data, their calendaring.  What is more amazing is that Facebook has captured the "non-computer" type people; people who are not currently engaged with the web; people who don’t play online anything.  It has even captured a large portion of people who simply have phones.  It's become the software that ties people's personal lives together instead of their professional lives.  Information, video, pictures… It’s all shared with practically a single click via this outlet.

As a business, having a page on Facebook will allow people to like you.  Great.  The more people like you, the more Facebook will recommend your page to other people.  It really is viral in that aspect.  I like your page.  My friends, who have liked similar things as I, suddenly have this page recommended.  When they like it, the same happens to their friends.  Now the page has an audience.  Same as twitter, you can push out whatever content you see fit and it hits your target audience, and via the magic of social networking, becomes visible to people who are not necessarily a part of your business’s network.   It attracts new people to you.  With a single click, users are able to see if you are an outlet for information that is of value to them.   It allows them to see the value in your data without them committing to becoming part of your community and trying to see if it is of value.  More importantly, it integrates your community and/or data into their social lives.  Your events are pushed to their personal calendars.  Your headlines and topics are noticed as they show up in people’s day to day activity instead of just when they actively participate.

Professionally, I am an HL7 Medical Interface specialist and enterprise architect.  I dabble in laboratory medical data, person identity management, and data transfer, analysis, and application of medical data.  I use social media both professionally and personally.  With twitter, I subscribe to new sources to help me keep up in my industry.  I subscribe to web communities that help identify latest trends in software development I work with.  I subscribe to individuals who are leaders and visionaries in my industry.  I also follow my friends, who are the aforementioned demographic of “what I just ate” but I follow them out of friendship.   Facebook is more personal than professional.  I’m part of groups and pages of web communities I’m in.  I read Facebook and it gives me an idea of what is happening today in my world, my friend’s worlds, and the web communities I’m in.   I might not get to the forums daily, but I catch topics I want to know about.  I get event invites that with one click, I respond to the creator and they know that I’m attending or not.  My Facebook calendar overlay my Google and work calendars.  It’s where all my personal events invites come from.  My professional calendar invites come to my work email. 

As for personal privacy concerns, I know that anything I put into a public forum like Facebook or Twitter is public record.  This is where us as users need to draw the line of privacy, not within the application.  If you do not want something public, don’t put it on the web.   That being said, I put a large portion of my life in the web and have it all public.  Photos, Facebook, Twitter.  I’m very transparent.   And as for employers using this against people…  Well I believe you should live your life being the person you want to be.   I do.  I like to have fun, maybe a little more than others.  I probably do things that some employers would use against me as an applicant.   I believe I’m a commodity and not a job.  There are many jobs out there, but not many people who are good at them.  I feel my skills and professionalism speak for themselves and if there was something on Facebook that caused me not to be selected, then I really don’t want to work there. 

If personal privacy is a concern, then I would recommend using social media more as an aggregation service instead of pushing your personal content out.  With both Facebook and Twitter, you can subscribe to things of value, both professionally and personally, and have content and more pushed to you.  And you never even have to post a thing.

More so, are you going to work at having your social media filled only with drunk club pictures?  Or are you going to work at having it filled with your professional accolades and commentary that reflect who you are?  I could go into this deeper, but this starts to become a case of balancing your life and actions and not about social media which was the point of this overly wordy commentary.  This point is that if you are active in social media; leverage it instead of being a victim to it.

Here's some word art that is not only entertaining, but gives a nice perspective on stats.

This is the market share to target.  I cannot express that enough to anyone in business today.  


RC Day at the Park

Super Bowl Sunday!   The weather was mild.  The sky was Blue.  Batteries were Charged.
Seemed like I had little choice to abandon the Super Bowl and head down to the park.

I took my Helicopters and my Min-Z MB-010 Buggy.    Started with the buggy to warm up.  It has not really got a lot of batteries run through it since it's launch and since it was in 100% working condition, I thought it would be fun to tear it up on the ball diamond.  Unfortunately, with all the moisture due to rain and snow melts, the dirt was super saturated and had standing water.  So I threw the buggy down on the street hockey rink and tore it up.  

I took this video to A)  See how easy it is to take videos by myself and B) get some content to post on youtubes and the blog.

The test video came out great (Nexus S camera phone)  but the issue is I had no way to follow the vehicles with the camera.  I drove around the view angle here so you can see how awesome the Buggy tears it up.

You can see the PN 32 Turn Motor really gives it some punch.  And this is dialed down to 70% throttle.

I set up a track using little orange cones and was doing some laps.   I decided to run opposite direction (for tire wear purposes) and had a large sweeper turn to the right I was flying through.  This goes past the metal street hockey goal post.   Well at one point the buggy was tearing through the sweeper and came out a little wide and the left front wheel contacted the goal post.  I thought for sure I broke a dog bone or something common.   Drove the car back to me and was a bit discouraged when I picked it up.

Notice how the front is separated from the chassis right behind the front axle? I think maybe a plate on top is what holds it together, but realistically I might need a whole new chassis to get running again.    I'll be in the Mini-Zracer.com warehouse this Saturday for our first winter series race, so will worry about repairs at that point.   Was a bummer as it felt great to be tearing it up off road.  Makes me want to dig up a dirt track in the back yard this spring.

After near destroying the buggy, I decided to get some Helicopter practice.  I dont have pictures for this, but might post an update.   Brand new Blade mCPX.  First real flight.  Thing took of beautifully.  Was flying a large circuit around the park when I was near trees and lost the orientation.  I've started having a little issue with depth perception that I've noticed since I started flying again.  To prevent any blade strikes against tree branches, or some other silly problem, I decided to hit Throttle Hold and let the thing come down.  

The problem with the mCPX is that there is no auto-rotation.  So while falling ever so gently down (it's very light) it started to tumble in the air a little and luck would have it, rotated enough so the blade struck first.  The ground was so wet, that it drove the blade into the ground enough that the torque from the heli's inertia tore one of the blades off.   The feathering shaft snapped.   Seems to be about the only real issue from the crash.   Annoyed as I haven't had much stick time with the new CP heli.   Picked up pieces and hope to have it ready to go for the indoor flyin on Sunday.

Since the mCPX was out, I brought out my Blade mSRX.   It's much easier to fly being fixed pitch and I flew out all my lipos without incident.  Even pulled a loop off (with a lot of altitude loss).   Was fun, but is not really giving me the practice I need to get into collective pitch and eventually heavy 3D.

Despite all the damage, it was great to be outside with the hobby.  I'm really excited at the notion of spending the day at a field once spring hits.     I just need to get my collective pitch skills in order and build something big.    But that's another story for another day.